LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Infinite Health
Numpad 2: Infinite Mana
Numpad 3: One Hit Kills
Numpad 4: Infinite Mission Time
Numpad 5: Add Gold
Numpad 6: Add EXP
Options (Editor)
Edit: Current Health
Edit: Maximum Health
Edit: Mana
Edit: Good Deeds
Edit: Bad Deeds
Edit: Gold
Edit: Age
Edit: Weight
Edit: Renown
Edit: EXP
Edit: Meele Skill
Edit: Magic Skill
Edit: Will Skill
Edit: Physique
Edit: Health (Attribute)
Edit: Toughness
Edit: Speed
Edit: Accuracy
Edit: Gile
Edit: Magic Power
Edit: Silver Keys
Edit: Attractivness
Edit: Scariness
Edit: Highest Combat Multiplier
Edit: Quests Completed
Edit: Core Quests Completed
Edit: Optional Quests Completed
Edit: Boasts Taken
Edit: Boasts Completed
Edit: Trophies Acquired
Edit: Number Of Trophies Used
Edit: Highest Trophies Score
Edit: Shops Owned
Edit: Houses Owned
Edit: Buildings Being Rented
Edit: Number Of Times Vomited
Edit: Number Of Drinks Had
Edit: Crimes reported
Edit: Total Fines
Edit: Total Fines Paid
Edit: Number Of Times Thrown Out Of Townes
Edit: Total Bribes Given
Edit: Total Number Of Teleportations
Edit: Time Of Day
- One Hit Kills:
While active every character except your player can be killed by a single hit.
This may also effect friendly NPCs.
- Infinite Mission Timer:
While active most mission timers will never run out. Keep in mind that it's mostly
necessary that the timers run out to proceed.
- Edit Good / Bad Deeds:
This may only work for the first few missions where you are a child.
- Edit Meele / Magic / Will Skill
Open your 'STATS' page, then tab out and make your changes. You'll need to reopen the
page to see changes.
- Edit Physique / Health (Attribute) / Toughness / Speed / Accuracy / Gile /
Magic Power:
Open your 'STATS' page, then tab out and make your changes. You'll need to reopen the
page to see changes.
- Edit Silver Keys:
You MUST HAVE AT LEAST 1 KEY left before you can edit your amount of silver keys.
- Edit Attractiveness / Scariness:
Open your 'STATS' page, then tab out and make your changes. You'll need to reopen the
page to see changes. Value range is between -1 and 1. Set to for example 0.5 will give
you +50 ingame.
- Edit Time Of Day:
A value of 0 or 1 is midnight, a value of 0.5 is noon.
[Edited by PWizard, 9/18/2014 8:57:19 AM]