LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Infinite Health (Party)
Numpad 2: No Reload / Unlimited Ammo
Numpad 3: Save Weapon (Weapon Duplicator)
Numpad 4: Write Weapon (Weapon Duplicator)
- Weapon Duplicator:
This feature lets you duplicate your weapons.
How To:
1. Put any weapon to for example slot #1 in your inventory (not to your quick slots).
2. Press hotkey for 'save weapon'.
3. Move this weapon now to for example slot #2.
4. Select slot #1
5. Press hotkey for 'write weapon'.
(5a. You may need to reselect the slot to see the name of the weapon.)
6. Last step, you must move this item to another slot so the icon gets loaded and its fully stored.
If no item name appears, make sure you don't forget step 4. Try again from step 1.
Customize Hotkeys
Select the hotkey you want to change and press your desired key or key combination.
To reset all hotkeys at once toggle 'Use Controller' twice. Controller hotkeys are not customizable.
Controller Support
Open 'Controller HowTo' tab at the trainer interface for a detailed instruction on how to use a controller.
Don't forget to activate 'Use Controller' at the main page.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.