not sure how to get this to work, everytime i launch the game, my resouces are stuck at certain amounts, e.g echoes is always at 2 and never goes above 2, even though ive set it to 999 in the cheat mod.
check the box you want, double click the number to the right, edit that number with number keys, click away. Took me a few to figure it out also.
Try a whole number also, like 5000.
[Edited by PaterSin, 7/5/2014 6:53:32 PM]
nope still doesnt work, how do i return the values to default, ive tried restoringn the backup via teh mod, but upon loading the game, even without the mod, all my resources are set to strange amounts and dotn change, most annoying is terror, when i loaded up the cheat mod first time, it by default set the terror to 999, so now whenever i load a game or start a new one, my crew instantly mutinies.
[Edited by Ashar, 7/5/2014 7:51:12 PM]
sounds like a corrupted save to begin with. uninstall, delete saved game folders, reinstall. Steam likes to do this to new games sometimes. good thing this is a small game.
best of luck.