LinkOptions (Trainer)
Numpad 1: Maximum Attributes (Player Creation)
Numpad 2: Force Career Starting Difficulty
Numpad 3: Increase Age
Numpad 4: Decrease Age
- Maximum Attributes:
While in character editor open the attributes editor, activate this option and cycle through your attributes.
All attributes are now at their maximum. This will only work in character editor!
- Force Career Starting Difficulty:
This option forces the career starting difficulty to a specific level. You can define the level on the
trainer itself. While in MAIN MENU set your difficulty level on the editor
(Rookie, Amateur, Pro, Veteran or Legend) and then activate option, load your career and play for example
a net practice to see whether it has worked. Difficulty may not be saved so you may need to redo this
everytime you play a career. This will ONLY affect the starting difficulty. If you increased your difficulty
by playing the carrer this option will NOT help you to reset it.
- Increase / Decrease Age:
While in career main menu and your age is shown, press hotkey. Avoid pressing hotkey elsewhere.
This option will also not stay when you are saving your career.
Customize Hotkeys
Select the hotkey you want to change and press your desired key or key combination.
To reset all hotkeys at once toggle 'Use Controller' twice. Controller hotkeys are not customizable.
Controller Support
Open 'Controller HowTo' tab at the trainer interface for a detailed instruction on how to use a controller.
Don't forget to activate 'Use Controller' at the main page.
Feature Customization:
Some trainer features can now be customized by clicking on the tool icon next to an trainer option.
If there is no icon then the feature has no customization. Some customizations require you to do them
BEFORE you activate the trainer.
The trainer requires .NET framework 4.5 or above.
[Edited by PWizard, 7/11/2014 6:12:25 AM]