Sorry for lack of details, but staff here isnt know for their politeness.
Some functions work when they want to, or just crash.
[Edited by Vorless123, 6/14/2014 7:50:26 PM]
The staff here have always been polite and friendly, unless you complain about something without giving details about the issue or are just being an ass in general. You can't expect them to know what issues you are experiencing without describing it in detail or sending them an error log or something. (If you have an issue that produces something like that)
The problem I have is that the trainer cant find the game when pressing F1 (little nice bottom row of trainer says so), steam version of game (if there now is another).
Im not sure how I can go into more detail of it than so without becoming just as rude as the answers so far.
run trainer with admin priviledges? the trainer looks for the STEAM VERSION of the game. so if you have that and it can't find it, then likely the problem isn't the trainer, it's something on your end blocking the trainer, the game isn't running, you don't have legit steam version, or the trainer doesn't have admin priviledges..