Just go here rather than link to somebody elses work: forum.kalypsomedia.com/showthread.php?tid=23453
actually I've already mentioned that this was possible because of their efforts, plus not many members of cheathappens visit kalpyo's forums and in the forums no one cared to look at the research points.
in addition to that the mod I posted had the name of Darthpresidente on it, I used the base tweak to solve the power and research issues that many members on cheathappens requested, but they were not trying to look at kalypso's forums like we did.
this is another useful mod to remove the cooldown period in embassies when enacting political actions such as praise, it will also raise the starting faction standing for foreign powers to 100.
as I mentioned earlier, modding tropico is really easy and if you studied the lua files of game hard enough you can do extra mods.
I will post any mods I have that were not done in kalypso's forums in the above link.