Can someone shed a little light on some of these features? I don't understand some of them, and I don't see any description in the readme.
EnergyEx, BloodDice, DeadTimes for instance.
And as mentioned, thank you for the quick trainer.
The features are taken from the game's variables. I didn't choose the names by myself.
BloodDice is set to a random number between 0 and 4 after you died the first time. Probably affects the level of blood on your skin. JustHit is set to true after you fallen too far. Probably slows you down or something. IsLit is set to true when you burn. Recharge will trigger recharging health if you stand still.
The mod allows you to modify the variables in the player class of the game and these modifications are automatically applied by the game itself.
Not all of them might be useful. If I have some times I'll see if I can implement time of day and resources or so.
Can't make this work when selecting forest launch icon.