So I guess i'm the only one who, after pressing F1 to activate the trainer, just keeps hearing "activated" over and over for an infinite loop? Yes I'm running 64bit and none of the keys are locked or being pressed down.
[Edited by guitarman8373, 5/27/2014 11:14:35 AM]
your keyboard cache is full.
this can happen due to
1) you actually have a defective keyboard
2) the game AND the trainer happen to poll the cache at exactly the same instance which garbles the cache.
the best way to fix this is to reboot.
I activate the trainer in the menu
as soon as I then Start Game:
Watch Dogs.exe needs to close.
Did the patch 1:01 not yet installed.
Did the Uplay version.
trainer was created with legitimate STEAM UPLAY version which is patched to the latest version of the game.
obtain the legitimate or latest version of the game.