The timer doesn't affect NVZN (countdown timer), Coin Race (count up timer), or the Madness digital trip (countdown timer). I tried them all with the newest trainer.
Also, I hope it wouldn't be too much to ask to look into doing something about the drinking game minigame. There's one in Pawnee (northwest corner of the map). It's QTE based, and the prompts all run on a timer.
[Edited by DigChrono, 5/27/2014 8:46:17 AM]
[Edited by DigChrono, 5/27/2014 8:46:40 AM]
no idea about the drinking game
the others we have added option for the timers for those other 3 minigames. pwizard will post shortly.
be aware that each game has it's own timer code. if there is 100 minigames, we WONT be making 100 options for watch dogs..
stay tuned...
Hmmm I think that would be a record for you Cal. Also I actually would like to see how you would fit it all in.
So I guess i'm the only one who, after pressing F1 to activate the trainer, just keeps hearing "activated" over and over for an infinite loop? Yes I'm running 64bit and none of the keys are locked or being pressed down.
[Edited by guitarman8373, 5/27/2014 11:14:35 AM]
Do a Reboot that usually sorts that issue.
This is going to be one of those games where no matter how many options we add, even if we added a one key instant win game, someone is still going to need that "one more option".
Definitely, but I must say the drinking game Spoiler: