After 1 game and 300 patches I would expect them to have a solid base to build their second title on. I was wrong. This will be a never ending story. Good luck Caliber.
true story. the game is ridiculously bad for a second title with the same engine.
Caliber you might want to wait a few days / weeks so that they can fix their initial / longterm issues. Currently you would have to update every day / hour. I hope that we can play the game without any problems ->soon<- LoL Who am I kidding here..
Thanks for the trainer anyway. That shows me that CH still has the same devotion as ever.
By the way: their last hotfix corrupted my savegame => going to try again (attempt 23..)
sry for my skepticism earlier
[Edited by mzr1962, 5/23/2014 5:36:27 PM]
hi all,
Strange problem for me, IF trainer "Activated" game crash immediatly.
Uusing 1.00 version + 2 trainers.
Game run perfectly without trainer, no crash.
It's because the game gets updated several times a day, so the trainer is quickly invalidated.
Don't count on there being an up-to-date trainer for this game for most of the time (the devs patch like crazy).
arg, 1.01d last trainer 1.01c...
massive beta version doesn't fix any problem
OK with CoSMOS for skills/stats/others for this time (best solution for patch/patch/patch).
[Edited by seb4771, 5/24/2014 10:38:11 AM]