Information: 0 : Space Engineers, 1.193.101 AUTO-UPDATING, STEAM
Information: 0 : Trainer version: 1.47
Information: 0 : Trainer is up to date.
Information: 0 : Attaching to process: SpaceEngineers
Warning: 0 : DotNET: WARNING !!! Expect .NET framework 4.8.4042.0 but game is running 4.8.3928.0. This can result in failed code not found errors. To solve this, please re-install the expected dotnet framework and restart game. If the trainer is working fine, ignore this warning.
Information: 0 : Successfully attached
Error: 0 : player: Cannot find aob!
I keep getting this error, like the others. I've installed the most recent .NET Framework that's available for Windows 7, but apparently it's the wrong version. I have no idea how to get that exact version of .NET, as Microsoft doesn't use the full version numbers in downloads. Don't know what to do.
We are no longer supporting Windows 7 as MS has also ended support for it. Please upgrade to Windows 10 and see if the error is resolved.