I tested this with the version 1675 (hotfix 1) and I can't get it to work : I launch the trainer, then the game, F1 and when I push "1" I hear two "trainer activated" messages but codes display "Invalid Command" when entered.
I am having the same issue.
to quote pwizard...
this game uses mono and creates code on the fly. press hotkey only while being ingame!
if you press the hotkey for the first time you'll hear a 'trainer activated', listen for second sound
and press hotkey again. if you got 'code not found' you may need to enter any cheat first and try again.
end quote.
also not all codes works.
July first 4:13 PM CET i rerereretested the traier and the trainer works fine. if you get invalid command its because the CONSOLE command is not working and that is NOT controlled by the trainer.
[Edited by Sutek, 7/1/2014 9:14:19 AM]
I appreciate the response, I suppose the 5 I tried were just unlucky. Do you have some that you know work?
the following console commands DO work for me:
uber, day, night, clearlog, version, stopevent, killme, closerifts, collapse sky, recycler, pos,
the following console commands DO NOT work for me:
waypoint, upgrade, toggleedit, reset, reload, portal, setmusic, setgravity, setambience, saveworld, player, lockplaceables, loadworld, listspawntag, call, createsavedworld, createworld
[Edited by Sutek, 7/1/2014 2:53:04 PM]
Odd, I tried both day and uber with no success. I'll keep poking around. Thanks for the update.