The Multiplayer Campaign doesn't work. No matter what you do it doesn't change anything wether you win or lose. If lose they are like well we took heavy losses but we won...
Not the way you expected like BRINKs.
Yeah, from what I've seen, Titanfall's "campaign" is really just basically Team Deathmatch, then if you win, prevent the other team from reaching the extraction point and leaving. If you lose, it's just getting to the extraction point and evacuate.
Is that basically Warframe game? I haven't played Warframe but I did see a friend of mine playing it last year. Warframe is what popped in my mind when I saw Titanfall ads.
Hi All, I could be mistaken but aren't all the cheaters for Titanfall being put on servers with other known cheaters in a kind of aimbot showdown?
Kinda old news but yes. All cheaters caught will be banned from normal matches and can only play with other cheaters. Friends can join a cheater match but cheaters can't join a normal match. If a friend invites a cheater into a normal lobby, the entire lobby turns into a cheater match I think.