They have a mode of play called Multiplayer Campaign, I imagine it's just some co-op maps that have lore and story elements to them.
Titanfall has a story but it's an online multiplayer campaign story. To progress with the story your team must win the match. This info was revealed a long time ago.
Well,IMO, SP and MP Both are gamers.
I'm not arguing that point or starting a SP VS. MP Argument.
My point is Taking away the SP element is a bad move. Adding MP and KEEPING the Sp element would be good,letting us have a choice.
But,just MP and Very little if any Story or having to win matches to proceed with the story/campaign??? WEAK.
And,adding insult to injury saying that gamers don't want SP anymore? They obviously have NEVER played ANY RPG's what-so-ever.(Case and point Skyrim And ME) Apparently NEVER played Assassins' Creed,Metal Gear,GOW,or DMC.
Hell,even WOW has a great SP element to it,and that's an MMO.
I solo the all the time.
[Edited by infinite_gamer, 3/10/2014 3:09:08 PM]
Warcraft Died for SP when WOW came out, blizzard should have kept making more Warcraft SP games. But anyhows This company just shot them in the foot. Gamers are people that play TONES of games not just MP heck even not just one MP game. Personally I hope there systems crash when it offically releases because I want them to fail!