I put the last 300, we did it!
I put the last 300, we did it!
I know EXACTLY how you feel after you've seen the request was met. Last chance to pray the same won't happen with VH 2
I put the last 300, we did it!
I know EXACTLY how you feel after you've seen the request was met. Last chance to pray the same won't happen with VH 2
You have a real obsession with VH 2!
like I said not a chance for VH 2!
First the cost!
Second this game isn't (very) popular. Honestly I've never heard of it before we talk here about
No I believe Wargame RD will be the Record "Request" ever met for a very long time.
[Edited by Folioman, 3/19/2014 4:45:55 PM]
Look at the bright side. You guys get to skip the multiplayer beta! Because we can't use trainers at all right now! Because no singleplayer! Yet. And then the sad starts.
I've looked at the game already and my guess is that a trainer will be made very quickly based on the code.
what will be a decision for us is whether we want to make 10 options for this title which will be updating 100 times or to make 5-6 standard needed options and a trainer that can update itself possibly.
at any rate, it looks like a trainer will be pretty quick to make when the time comes..