As a Steamworks game it should work on both (Same game.) barring any regional changes such as censored content and the like.
(Which I don't think there is any.)
It's yet to be released in the US though, unlocks in eight hours or so although it's available in Asia or via a VPN connection to a country in that region.
(And in Europe the actual release date is on Friday I believe.)
At midnight (PST Feb 25) it was ready in Canada
Not really sure where you are getting that information B4Marc. Pre-load allowed me to finish the dl right after it unlocked at 4am EST, been playing it for about 2 and 1/2 hours and refreshing the site to see if the trainer was added.
[Edited by Ang3l, 2/25/2014 5:38:00 AM]
Yep, in the west part of Canada the final download started @ midnight and I'm playing for about 1h30.
Me too, I'm checking if the trainer's ready
One of the things that bug me is the character (Garrett) lack of freedom (i.e.: jumps).
[Edited by B4Marc, 2/25/2014 6:00:23 AM]
[Edited by B4Marc, 2/25/2014 6:05:14 AM]