sure, player stats only take effect when you create a new character, so it means restarting, but since i can spawn in anything i want (apart from tech) you soon get back to where you were. Go to \SteamApps\common\Starbound\assets and open player.config
Near the bottom of the file, there settigns for stats, ive set mine as follows:
"maxHealth" : 9999.0,
"maxEnergy" : 9999.0,
"maxFood" : 999.0,
"maxBreath" : 999.0,
"energyReplenishmentRate" : 9999.0,
"foodDepletionRate" : 0.0,
"breathReplenishmentRate" : 999,
"breathDepletionRate" : 0,
"lightStrength" : 1.0,
"footstepTiming" : 0.35,
"footstepSensor" : [0, -3.1],
"fallDamageFactor" : 0.0,
The only annoying thing is this makes your hp and energy really, REALLY long, though seeing as its so high, and you dont really need to see it anymore, i edited the interface config to hide the hp and energy bar, so all is well.
To hide those 2 bars, i simply altered the coords for them to be offscreen, open the interface.config in same folder, and alter lines as below:
// Offset from top left of screen
"healthPos" : [0, 0],
"energyPos" : [0, 0],
Offtopic, ive been playing around with the graphics for the game, i didnt like the color of my ship, or the beam in/out so i changed them to a more blue color, you can edit any png file and keep the transparency with this free online editor:
Link i found, or whatever photo editor you like to use.
Dont forget to make backups before editing I created a backup of the entire assets folder to be safe.
BTW, If anyone does find a way of spawning in tech, let me know, i can spawn in the actual tech, but it jsut goes into my main inventory, and i cant do anythign with it, since normally when you pick it up, it is automaticly added to your tech list.
[Edited by Ashar, 12/7/2013 2:19:29 PM]