There is support for Mouse and Keyboard.
But the tutorials simply list using controller buttons instead.
''This initial Early Access version of the game REQUIRES a wired Xbox 360 controller or wireless Xbox 360 controller with PC adapter (or compatible 3rd party controller).''
taken directly from steam page
And I'm playing it with a M&K combination pretty darn well :P
There's currently no official support for M&K, but it can still be played.
As in using a program to convert or? You gotta add more info when you say stuff, just sayin
It "works" with M&K out of the box.. but it is not supported by the devs.. One of the reasons is that the mouse is very twitchy at times and jumps... I believe there are other issues as well...
If you go to the Steam forums for the game, there are threads about this..
i haven't decided if I am buying it yet though.. I will probably wait on the trainer first...
[Edited by punisher2005, 9/20/2013 6:47:39 PM]
control stuff aside.
Hows the game?, is it a rushed piece of ****, like The Wa.....oops, im sorry, i mean Infestation...
or is it worth the pricetag, with lots of replay value, or is it basicilly just Minecraft with zombies
Well, the one that's like minecraft would be 7 days to die...
Haven't tried the PC version, but have the Xbox version and it was fun, but could be quite difficult at times...
This is one of the reasons I am waiting for the PC trainer before I buy.. (although, it would probably be much easier for me on the PC once the keyboard and mouse is fully implemented..)