There is one you can find it at this (Link)
i'm talking about donating to compensate them for there time on left for dead 2
[Edited by troystowell, 9/19/2013 11:13:03 AM]
There is one you can find it at this (Link)
i'm talking about donating to compensate them for there time on left for dead 2
[Edited by troystowell, 9/19/2013 11:13:03 AM]
Use that page. There is no need for a separate page for that type of donating. One page is fine for donating.
@ashefps Sadly there is no plans to visit this game. It might get looked at, at some point in time. But I would advise to look on the latter and not expect an update for now.
[Edited by ServiusTheBear, 11/2/2013 9:05:25 AM]