Thanks I've downloaded and placed/replaced these files in my game directory. Do I have to do anything to launch these cheats?
No, just open decisions panel inside game.
# Cheat Events #
namespace = cheats
country_event = {
id = cheats.1
title = "cheats.EVTNAME1"
desc = "cheats.EVTDESC1"
picture = THEATRE_eventPicture
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = "cheats.EVTOPTA1"
trigger = {
NOT = { has_country_modifier = cheat_country_adm }
add_country_modifier = {
name = "cheat_country_adm"
duration = -1
option = {
name = "cheats.EVTOPTA1"
trigger = {
has_country_modifier = cheat_country_adm
remove_country_modifier = cheat_country_adm
option = {
name = "cheats.EVTOPTB1"
trigger = {
NOT = { has_country_modifier = cheat_country_econ }
add_country_modifier = {
name = "cheat_country_econ"
duration = -1
option = {
name = "cheats.EVTOPTB1"
trigger = {
has_country_modifier = cheat_country_econ
remove_country_modifier = cheat_country_econ
option = {
name = "cheats.EVTOPTC1"
trigger = {
NOT = { has_country_modifier = cheat_country_mil }
add_country_modifier = {
name = "cheat_country_mil"
duration = -1
option = {
name = "cheats.EVTOPTC1"
trigger = {
has_country_modifier = cheat_country_mil
remove_country_modifier = cheat_country_mil
option = {
name = "cheats.EVTOPTD1"
any_country = {
limit = {
AND = {
ai = yes
OR = {
has_country_modifier = cheat_country_adm
has_country_modifier = cheat_country_econ
has_country_modifier = cheat_country_mil
remove_country_modifier = cheat_country_adm
remove_country_modifier = cheat_country_econ
remove_country_modifier = cheat_country_mil
cheat_country_adm = {
global_revolt_risk = -1000
global_missionary_strength = 10
global_colonial_growth = 1000
global_spy_defence = 10
stability_cost_modifier = -1000
#missionaries = 10
#diplomats = 10
#merchants = 30
advisor_pool = 15
advisor_cost = -0.95
heir_chance = 5
prestige = 100
prestige_decay = -10
fabricate_claims_time = -1000
core_creation = -10
#diplomatic_upkeep = 100
#diplomatic_reputation = 100
unjustified_demands = -1000
#idea_cost = -1
#dip_tech_cost_modifier = -1
#mil_tech_cost_modifier = -1
#adm_tech_cost_modifier = -1
#technology_cost = -0.99
temples_influence = 100
religious_unity = 100
tolerance_own = 100
tolerance_heretic = 100
tolerance_heathen = 100
range = 100
colonist_placement_chance = 1
colonist_time = -0.99
spy_offence = 100
discovered_relations_impact = -100
rebel_support_efficiency = 10
#papal_influence = 1000
cheat_country_econ = {
global_tax_modifier = 0.5
global_trade_income_modifier = 0.95
global_tariffs = 0.5
global_trade_power = 5
global_prov_trade_power_modifier = 10
global_foreign_trade_power = 5
global_prov_trade_power_modifier = 10
interest = -10
trade_efficiency = 5
production_efficiency = 5
build_cost = -0.80
overseas_income = 0.5
republican_tradition = 100
trade_steering = 10
trade_range_modifier = 10
cheat_country_mil ={
global_regiment_cost = -0.99
#global_manpower = 10
global_ship_cost = -0.95
#global_manpower_modifier = 5
global_regiment_recruit_speed = -100
global_ship_recruit_speed = -100
army_tradition_decay = -100
navy_tradition_decay = -100
army_tradition = 100
navy_tradition = 100
#land_forcelimit = 100
#naval_forcelimit = 100
naval_morale = 100
land_morale = 100
embargo_efficiency = 5
manpower_recovery_speed = 100
recover_army_morale_speed = 100
#land_maintenance_modifier = -1
#naval_maintenance_modifier = -1
#merc_maintenance_modifier = -1
mercenary_cost = -1
defensiveness = 100
discipline = 100
blockade_efficiency = 10
war_exhaustion = -100
war_exhaustion_cost = -1
leader_siege = 100
leader_fire = 100
leader_shock = 100
leader_naval_manuever = 100
now make a .yml in the localisation folder. If you don't know how just copy one of the other ones and rename it to 'cheat_events_l_english.yml'. Open it with Notepad++ or your favorite txt editor. Clear everything in it and paste the following:
cheats.EVTNAME1: "Manage Country Buffs"
cheats.EVTDESC1: "Select a buff to add to your country"
cheats.EVTOPTA1: "Add or remove Administrative Buff"
cheats.EVTOPTB1: "Add or remove Economic Buff"
cheats.EVTOPTC1: "Add or remove Military Buff"
cheats.EVTOPTD1: "Remove all buffs from any AI"
cheat_country_adm: "Improved Country Administration!"
desc_cheat_country_adm: "Your country has been enhanced!"
cheat_country_econ: "Improved Country Economy!"
desc_cheat_country_econ: "Your country has been enhanced!"
cheat_country_mil: "Improved Country Military!"
desc_cheat_country_mil: "Your country has been enhanced!"
Adjust the values of the modifiers to whatever you deem necessary. Add or remove the hashtags(#) before any of the lines to disable that line and therefore disable that effect as displayed above.
If you don't want to do all this you can use my mod here: Link where I've made it a mod for ease of enabling and disabling.