The ingame scientist option doesn't work, num2 doesn't work, the rest does though.
Might try a different key, but got some real life obligations to take care of.
I have tried other keys and it doesn't work when I use any key for the scientist button, though I have found it via artmoney and it was quite easy to find, search for the initial value, then change it using the trainer and then search the edited value and bam, I found the population value, workforce value and scientist value that way.
Well, that colony editing thing on the trainer is just for the homeworld and that does work fine, sadly, i am using the test branch, which makes this trainer not work at all.
This isn't a post asking for a trainer for the test branch version, i can wait for it to go to the main version, but the race customization is so uber cool...i wish they didn't remove the editable files, bloody devs. lol
I know what you mean, locking the trait files so we cannot edit them, and then to get a modded template to work you have to put it in as a mod, which of course are not supported just yet. Whenever the trainer makers at Cheathappens make a new version of the trainer, it would be nice if it included an option for unlimited trait points or something like that.
Well, that colony editing thing on the trainer is just for the homeworld and that does work fine, sadly, i am using the test branch, which makes this trainer not work at all.
This isn't a post asking for a trainer for the test branch version, i can wait for it to go to the main version, but the race customization is so uber cool...i wish they didn't remove the editable files, bloody devs. lol
I know what you mean, locking the trait files so we cannot edit them, and then to get a modded template to work you have to put it in as a mod, which of course are not supported just yet. Whenever the trainer makers at Cheathappens make a new version of the trainer, it would be nice if it included an option for unlimited trait points or something like that.
Well, it depends...i would prefer a button to press to add 10 more points or 25 more points.
I mean, i have found the location of the trait points, but it refuses to allow any modification, i can set it to 500, it kinda changes ingame, but it just refuses to allow 500 points to register and sticks to its legit amount.
Its located under strings on CoSMOS and under text on artmoney.