Hey guys, I can't figure out how the 'increase selected skill by' option works. I hover over the skill with my mouse in the skill tab, press Num6. The trainer says "Activated" but nothing appears to change in game.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? All the other options work wonderfully.
I do notice that when I activate the hotkey my pets suddenly end up with 1 hp.
[Edited by Migito, 1/28/2017 5:43:42 PM]
Have you tried not hovering but to select the skill by clicking on it?
I've tried but nothing happen. Can you please advise?
"Remove All Item Requirements" dont work for me. Or do it not remove requirements for character level?
Not working for me either...
The trainer has begun behaving strangely today. I'm using AUTO-UPLOADING. I downloaded this on 2/20/2017.
The version number at the bottom of the game's main menu screen is
It was working fine until today. Now whenever I'm at the title screen and press "F1", the second the voice says "trainer activated" all animations on the screen freeze, and it is no longer possible to interact with any of the buttons.
I've tried:
1) Right clicking on the trainer and selecting "Run as Administrator"
2) Right clicking on the game icon, in the /steam/steamapps/common/Grim Dawn folder, and selecting "Run as Administrator"
3) Alt-tabbing out of the game to press the play button "Activate Manually" on the trainer itself, the alt-tabbing back.
4) Disabling my antivirus (ESET)
5) Quitting Malwarebytes
6) Updating video card drivers.
7) Running "repair.exe" in the steam game folder
8) Revalidating the installation through Steam
Still, animations freeze when the trainer activates. I can still hear the game music, and it no longer allows me to alt-tab and I have to end the task in the task manager.
Thank you for the work that you all put into this. Its been really great.
Course, knowing my luck, it'll be working absolutely perfectly tomorrow with no intervention from anyone.
Same exact issue as above.
My CoSMOS table also stopped working today for half of its features.
Think we had a silent patch?
In game still shows so I am not sure on how to even check this with Steam.