King Arthur 2: The Role-Playing Wargame Message Board
Our King Arthur 2: The Role-Playing Wargame Trainer is now available and supports STEAM.
Our King Arthur 2: The Role-Playing Wargame message board is available to provide feedback on our trainers or cheats.
Kalorexoc posted on May 14, 2013 8:57:14 PM - Report post
So, i didn't see this posted, but ran across this bit of information after scouring the internet for awhile, and figured some of you might like to know it.
Cheat Codes: Press CTRL + SHIFT + 1 to display the console window., then activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding codes:. Note: Press F1 while the console is displayed to list all commands. Press F3 to step back to the last command:
CHEAT FUNCTION - CHEAT CODE Set speed of indicated unit type - SetSpeed [unit type number] [number]
Display speed of indicated unit in battle;
player 0 is the human player - GetSpeed [unit type number]
Add or remove an artifact to or from indicated hero1 - Artifact [hero name] [artifact name]
Set experience points for the hero - SetXP [number]
Add experience points for the hero - AddXP [number]
Add experience points to units of the given army - AddUnitXP4Army
Drop connection or force reconnection in multi-player mode - net
Add victory points to the player - GiveVP
Set victory point threshold to the player - GiveVPTreshold
Display three strength value of the given unit - GetStrength
Send actual camera position to the peer in multi-player mode - SendCamera
Sends chat message to the peer in multi-player mode - Chat
Give HP or mana to the given unit in battle - GivePoints [unit] [hp or mana] [number]
Spawns a quest to the given hexafield at Strategy map -
SpawnQuest [quest name]
Complete active quest with no rewards; may cause game to be impossible to complete - FinishActiveQuest
Give artifact to the hero - GiveArtifact [artifact name]
Give a skill to the hero - AddSkill [skill name] [1-4]
Give brides to the player - GiveLady [1-10]
Spawn new unit into the army of the given hero - GiveArmyUnit [unit name] [number]
Give faith to the player - GiveFaith [-20 to 20]
Give virtue to the player - GiveVirtue [-20 to 20]
Give money to the ruler - GiveMoney [amount]
Give some food to the player - GiveFood
Set God mode in autobattles - AutoBattleGodMode
Force contract of a passthrough statement between the player and the given ruler - ContractPassthroughStatement
Given ruler declares war against the player - DeclareWarToHuman
Disable all archery damage - DisableArcheryDamage
Enable archery damage - EnableArcheryDamage
Kill all units of the player in battle - KillAll
Indicated player wins the battle - WinBattle [player number] 1. The hero name must be preceded by the letters "gp". For example, use "gpBalin" or "gpDamas" as names.
Kalorexoc posted on May 14, 2013 8:58:21 PM - Report post
ArchangelM127 posted on May 18, 2013 7:50:49 AM - Report post
In humanity's defense, we have been left unsupervised.
markie123 posted on Jun 12, 2015 3:48:00 PM - Report post
the autobattlegodmode cheat doesnt seem to work any idea way
Mr BLACKJAK posted on Feb 07, 2017 9:22:58 AM - Report post
I try to use the code to add units in my army but i fail again and again and i have invalid command. I try to add units in my prologue's army. My hero is Septimus Sulla. Please if you know how to do tell me because i don't know how to use theses codes. 🙁
Mr BLACKJAK posted on Feb 10, 2017 2:26:46 AM - Report post