I played it a little bit. And I feel like this would be a bigger hit in France, where it was made, than here, simply due to the fact that they took zero time to resync lip anims for English, the majority of English voice actors and their lines are poorly transcribed and executed, which makes the story suffer.
The Combat is very clunky and I died within the first 15 minutes of actual gameplay. Your buddy doesn't seem to be very much help, attacking is very slow, the animations are attacking and blocking are slow and awkward and it simply is very static rather than fluidic. I found myself not knowing whether I'm actually blocking, attacking, or in the process of switching to the other, and for me to come from Darksiders to that feels like my time was ripped out of me by evil demonic hands. I figure some of these issues are aided or fixed by leveling up, which was actually a really fluid system, and i was surprised at the depth of customization and upgrades and such.
However, the graphics are pretty terrible for a game of this scope and this day and age. I realize it was an indie sleeper hit from unknown devs from France, but if you're going to try and illustrate an almost supernatural conflict of the future of Mars, I would expect much more top notch graphical styles. Not to mention Innocence looks almost identical to the Scout from Team Fortress 2.
The story of this game so far seems kind of simple-minded but again I can't say a lot because I didn't get too deeply involved in it.
imo, 5.5/10. "Meh, why not?"