You have to use the thumb sticks and not the d-pad and or A.B & X.Y, it takes 15 or more minutes to break the lock, but you can do it!..
Don't have the trainer active when doing it, because the first time I broke the lock the trainer was on and the game crashed on the cut scene sequence when I first manage to break the lock!..
Following are the steps you need to perform to open up locked doors and chests:
Step #1
Gently rotate the left analog stick until your controller starts to vibrate. Once it does, hold your left stick in that position.
Step #2
Do the exact same with your right analog stick. Hold it where the controller starts to vibrate.
Step #3
Now repeatedly press the RT/R1 button to break the lock and open the door/chest.
There you have it. This is a new small little mechanism in the gameplay but it sure adds another layer of depth to it.
originally from
Link[Edited by Hard8, 11/21/2012 10:17:04 AM][Edited by Hard8, 11/21/2012 10:25:49 AM]