Pwiz, like everyone else here, I want you and your team to know that I don't expect miracles from any of you. What you guys already do is beyond the call, and given the fact that you're on holiday at the moment too... well. You should focus on enjoying that as much as you possibly can, and let the site be less efficient whilst you are doing so.
That said, I have a request. Any venture on the internet is going to be plagued by morons with a massively inflated sense of entitlement and utter lack of civility. It's like a rule, apparently. More and more I come across trainers that have been retired due to these idiots, and it's a crying shame. I would like to ask if you could change your policy and initiate some kind of strike rule, or rule of thumb. If you whine like a spoiled child on here, or insult the CH staff, or some other kind of douchebaggery, you get banned for a month. If you continue to do it, you get perma-banned.
I think this would be a fair, even-handed way to go about helping maintain your sanity and job satisfaction, whilst not punishing the rest of us for the crimes of the few. I fully realise it may not seem like a few, and it probably isn't, but I'd put money on there being far more of us who are perfectly happy with how you do things, we just tend not to speak up. If a trainer works perfectly, we use it. If it doesn't, we read the forums until we find a fix or other people asking about the same problem, and wait for their questions to be answered.
Again, thanks to you and all the CH team for your continued efforts. Your trainers for this game and indeed for many others have brought me many hours of entertainment, I simply feel that everyone would be better off if the whingers were spanked with the ban hammer, instead of everyone being spanked with the retired hammer