I can confirm that the engineers cheat does not work, everything else does
I can confirm that the option is working as intended and as described. Downloaded XCom: Enemy Unknown and our latest trainer, have a scan exclusion created in Windows Defender and ran the trainer with admin rights.
As the instructions say: Be at the base and general overview, have some item building ongoing in -Research-, go to -Reasearch-, press option key ',' (comma on the main keyboard, not the Numpad, next to M), hear activated and press ESC before the option deactivates automatically after 2 sec.
Each time it gives 1000 engineers.
Hi I'm trying to get the Barracks Options of the trainer to work and all I've been able to do is well buff up one trooper. And since then I get it to work. This was posted earlier in this thread:
Each time you change soldiers, you need to press the key for the attribute you want to change. Let's say you increase the aim on your heavy and now you want to increase the aim on your sniper. You will click the arrow in whatever direction you need to scroll. Once you have located the soldier, you will press the num / key. Then you can increase or decrease as needed.
If you do not press the attribute key again, it will stay "locked" on the last soldier you used it on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Okay for those that are interested I have sorted out my problem. What I figured to do is press the Numpad 0 key and then Tab to the soldier I want to affect and then press the Numpad * key. When I tab away from the unit I have just changed and then tab back to it I can see that the units health has increased. The all I have to do is activate any other barracks option I want making sure to press numpad * after using each option.