Oh...goody. Now for the bad news...the trainer is still killing you every time you level with the super health cheat on... at least this time it actually lets you load a previously saved game...but dying upon leveling really sucks...
Thanks for the trainers though, perhaps you have some idea what the hell is causing this issue.
no idea on this. and frankly we probably wont be looking into this game any further. watch your XP and level up if you can without the option(s) on all the time.
Oh...goody. Now for the bad news...the trainer is still killing you every time you level with the super health cheat on... at least this time it actually lets you load a previously saved game...but dying upon leveling really sucks...
Thanks for the trainers though, perhaps you have some idea what the hell is causing this issue.
All you really need is Option 6 on, the no damage. With that running you don't need the maximum health and you wont die from leveling up. If you do turn option one on perhaps by accident immediately turn it off, chances are if you move screens you'll be reduced to 60 HP if you have more but you still can't die so its only a matter of healing, leveling up, or finding a Statue.
Did the bloody game updated again?
is it possible to roll back this game to a previous version using steam? at this point, what could they POSSIBLY BE DOING TO THIS DINK 8BIT TITLE?
ps. both YS games updated on the same date.. I have to think this is steam related, or some sort of advertisement or other BS and not an actual GAME RELATED PATCH..
[Edited by Caliber, 7/7/2014 3:21:21 PM]