I really enjoyed the first game, the story was captivating and fun. Do you guys think this game is just as good? Worth they buy?
I'll let you know when I can, I work the night shift and may not be able to get to it until this weekend.
I did pre-order it as I got a discount on Steam when I ordered the first game
I really enjoyed the first game, the story was captivating and fun. Do you guys think this game is just as good? Worth the buy?
[Edited by Lizml86, 5/22/2012 9:10:10 PM]
I found this one to be slightly more enjoyable than the first game, but that's mostly because the first really had some moments that just seemed a bit too far from the compelling action and didn't do much for the compelling story.
I'd compare AMerican Nightmare more to the DLC for the first game, The Signal and The Writer. It takes place after them, is quite a bit shorter than a full game, but is much better paced - a lot of intense, fast paced action punctuated and driven by very interesting story bits. Finding all the manuscript pages becomes less tedium and more "OMG I WANT MORE"
There's really only three main environments that repeat in a cycle, but each time you're there they keep it pretty fresh, and it makes sense seeing as you're basically going through each time to try and fix what gets broke each time you do it. It's not as heavy on surreal horror as the first game, but the combat actually kind of makes up for that with the combat getting pretty frantic, especially in Arcade mode. Well, there is plenty of surreal horror if you're (also) a writer that (also) has written really cheesy stuff under contract and get to experience what it'd be like to live in the story with limited options for escape.