Found this neat one here:
Linkdefault its set at:
-mnt=mountlist_packed.ini -project=Projects -world=World
This is the normal game setting
to use ShowCase world:
-mnt=mountlist_packed.ini -project=Projects -world=ShowCase
to use TestLevel world:
-mnt=mountlist_packed.ini -project=Projects -world=TestLevel
Steps needed to use this: (for windows 64 bits)
(for windows 32 bits its found at
c:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\risen 2\system
Make a shortcut of risen2.exe found at:
c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\risen 2\system
In the properties settings of this shortcut in the target setting change it like this: (for the ShowCase)
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\risen 2\system\Risen2.exe" -mnt=mountlist_packed.ini -project=Projects -world=ShowCase
In the properties settings of this shortcut in the target setting change it like this: (for the TestLevel)
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\risen 2\system\Risen2.exe" -mnt=mountlist_packed.ini -project=Projects -world=TestLevel
To test this 2 "worlds" you NEED to start a NEW game
then when game loads normally you appear
in TestLevel or ShowCase world
Interresting NPC i found in TestLevel is TeachHelper npc
In the normal game you can spawn this npc
in console window like this:
spawn TeachHelper
In game he is called Combat Instructor
The dialog he uses is in mixed german and english text though ^^
Another interresting thing i found at same website is this:
Linkcreds go to Blue Force for this handy program
The docs "readme" is in german text
What this program does:
A lot players (have had) problems starting the console mode
typing the pommes activate console word ^^
When you run this "extender" or before you start risen 2 or when
you are in game:
It lets you press F3 key which "does" the pommes typing for you
it also has other options to use in game but thats documented
in the read me.
Maybe this program helps for the players that cannot get the console mode working.
happy gaming