hey guys, most of the commands (if not all) from ME2 work!
You can add this binding one for infinite ammo:
( Name="PC_Reload", Command="SwapWeaponIfEmpty | TryReload | initammo 999" )
It will give full ammo when you press Reload, ammo still decreasese and you can go empty if you never press reload.
anyone tried these yet?
( Name="NumPadTwo", Command="ENABLEPOWERCOOLDOWN 1" )
( Name="F1", Command="UnlockAchievement 0" )
Oh btw you can remove surplus talent points using a bind something like this (you'll never go negative):
( Name="NumPadOne", Command="givetalentpoints -10" )
Unlockachievement binding doesn't work. Anyone know how to change class mid-game?