Played as both FemShep and MaleShep. Gotta wait till the 17th for Multiplayer.
It was pretty awesome, just too short, felt rushed. But it is a demo so I can't complain.
Like you said- it's a demo. Not sure how a demo can feel rushed, considering it's only supposed to be a small taster, not to mention BW have been taking about the demo release for months.
Same goes for things not being explained properly - it's a demo.
Not that kinda of "rushed" as in rushed into the market. But Story-wise, as I mentioned in the spoiler. There's no real transition from 2 to 3 from what I saw, and the conversations/actions feel rushed as well. Which makes sense, hey millions of people dying, is not the time for long conversations. Nonetheless, a little bit more intro would have been awesome.
Oh okay, I see what you mean.
As Drakonis said, at the end of Arrival you're told by Hackett that you have to return to earth to basically stand trial for what you did at the end of the DLC (and to answer for working for Cerberus). Shepard would have been automatically grounded for the duration of the "trial".
I don't like the idea of them taking possession of the Normandy though. The SR2 isn't an Alliance vessel. It was Cerberus', now it's Shepard's ship.
Kinda disappointed. My Infiltrator didn't even get a sniper rifle for the demo, whassupwitda? Spoiler:
Really? I assume your reffering to SP? as i got one as my first gun unlock in MP
Also anyone looking for a co-op buddy hit me up
[Edited by dssas, 2/14/2012 2:39:54 PM]
Well, yeah. You get a complete kit for the multiplayer portion, but are given no such quarter for the story.
I also dislike the MP's Shop feature - it's about a step away from being a pay 2 win game's "buy random item crate, make a prayer for deliverance from up high" shtick.
Other than that and the pandering-to-other-demographics I've gone on and on about in other threads, demo was still a massive improvement over ME2 gameplay wise.
Played as both FemShep and MaleShep. Gotta wait till the 17th for Multiplayer.
It was pretty awesome, just too short, felt rushed. But it is a demo so I can't complain.
Like you said- it's a demo. Not sure how a demo can feel rushed, considering it's only supposed to be a small taster, not to mention BW have been taking about the demo release for months.
Same goes for things not being explained properly - it's a demo.
Not that kinda of "rushed" as in rushed into the market. But Story-wise, as I mentioned in the spoiler. There's no real transition from 2 to 3 from what I saw, and the conversations/actions feel rushed as well. Which makes sense, hey millions of people dying, is not the time for long conversations. Nonetheless, a little bit more intro would have been awesome.
I think what they are going for is that the first two set the stage for the coming of the reapers and now they are here. Now its time to get thrown into action right away, no more buildup.
As Shep told the alliance military board he has been warning them but everyone ignored him. Now its too late and I think they are trying to give that feeling where everything is going to hell very quickly. I'm sure they will go into more detail of the events leading up to this, lets hope anyways.
Played as both FemShep and MaleShep. Gotta wait till the 17th for Multiplayer.
It was pretty awesome, just too short, felt rushed. But it is a demo so I can't complain.
Like you said- it's a demo. Not sure how a demo can feel rushed, considering it's only supposed to be a small taster, not to mention BW have been taking about the demo release for months.
Same goes for things not being explained properly - it's a demo.
Not that kinda of "rushed" as in rushed into the market. But Story-wise, as I mentioned in the spoiler. There's no real transition from 2 to 3 from what I saw, and the conversations/actions feel rushed as well. Which makes sense, hey millions of people dying, is not the time for long conversations. Nonetheless, a little bit more intro would have been awesome.
Oh okay, I see what you mean.
As Drakonis said, at the end of Arrival you're told by Hackett that you have to return to earth to basically stand trial for what you did at the end of the DLC (and to answer for working for Cerberus). Shepard would have been automatically grounded for the duration of the "trial".
I don't like the idea of them taking possession of the Normandy though. The SR2 isn't an Alliance vessel. It was Cerberus', now it's Shepard's ship.
That would presuppose people played that DLC, not everyone did. So to those that did not, this is totally random. (Shepard looks off to the planet horizon in the end of 2) boom stuck on Earth with random new NPCs etc etc.
Doesn't make sense.
This by no means insinuates that I did not love the demo, because I did and I am waiting for the 6th of March on bated breath.
Played as both FemShep and MaleShep. Gotta wait till the 17th for Multiplayer.
It was pretty awesome, just too short, felt rushed. But it is a demo so I can't complain.
Like you said- it's a demo. Not sure how a demo can feel rushed, considering it's only supposed to be a small taster, not to mention BW have been taking about the demo release for months.
Same goes for things not being explained properly - it's a demo.
Not that kinda of "rushed" as in rushed into the market. But Story-wise, as I mentioned in the spoiler. There's no real transition from 2 to 3 from what I saw, and the conversations/actions feel rushed as well. Which makes sense, hey millions of people dying, is not the time for long conversations. Nonetheless, a little bit more intro would have been awesome.
Oh okay, I see what you mean.
As Drakonis said, at the end of Arrival you're told by Hackett that you have to return to earth to basically stand trial for what you did at the end of the DLC (and to answer for working for Cerberus). Shepard would have been automatically grounded for the duration of the "trial".
I don't like the idea of them taking possession of the Normandy though. The SR2 isn't an Alliance vessel. It was Cerberus', now it's Shepard's ship.
That would presuppose people played that DLC, not everyone did. So to those that did not, this is totally random. (Shepard looks off to the planet horizon in the end of 2) boom stuck on Earth with random new NPCs etc etc.
Doesn't make sense.
This by no means insinuates that I did not love the demo, because I did and I am waiting for the 6th of March on bated breath.
Again, I see your point. I guess it just makes perfect sense to me, so I can't really see from the perspective of not having played Arrival.
There's possibly some things cut from the demo which explain what's happened, since I can't really see them just putting the entirety of the first couple of missions into the demo- there has to be something to make people want to replay those missions in the full version other than just to get past them to the new stuff, or even just a full intro movie (no idea if there's one in the demo, since I'm not playing it).