I'm going to buy this game on Steam but I'm somewhat intimidated at the amount of expansions/DLC available. Are there any that are required for the most recent version of the trainer? Any that are known to not be compatible? Thanks!
[Edited by jwdred, 1/29/2019 9:34:09 AM]
Do you know how long it takes to untick all the DLC options in the CKII box? Like a minute and a half, not exaggerating.
Still, I did just so to test the game and trainer to answer your specific query. Both are working just fine with a completely vanilla game.
[Edited by DarkTAO, 2/8/2019 6:34:05 AM]
out off curiosity did someone do a lil mistake with the 3.1 trainer realease cause when i down load it and open the trainer it says its for the 3.0 verson just currius
confirmed, will be fixed soon.