Try § right next to " and left to ' (Using EU-CS keyboard)
Eng '
JP '
RU "
And then type in Cash etc
By Itchiga
"Alt 2+1" works on some keyboards. You press " ALT 2 1" on the numpad.
By rubbertarzan
Console Commands found by others here.
Event 20392: random military tech improves 10%. By curtis1
cash = 5000 coin
piety = 5000 piety
prestige = 5000 prestige
allow_laws = allow to change all your laws freely ... enter again to go back to limited laws changing.
discover_plots = plots are always discovered ... repeat to have to search again
fow on = fog of war starts on so first time turns off, Second turns it back on
plots_known = (default on) plots are visible, turns it off and on
marry_anyone = (default to you can't) You can marry anyone
By AdabrBrcol
its possible to change a religion like this type: religion catholic or pagan or smthelse
By akhubaal
'kill Character-ID#' will kill that character immediately. Useful to speed up inheritances!
'play Character-ID#' will change you to another character. If King of a country, you play that king, if duke, you're that duke, etc. I find this VERY useful if you are waging war and want to force a peace favorable to your terms. What you do is pause the game, open the diplomacy window, send your peace offer, then WITHOUT UNPAUSING, switch to the character you're at war with. They will have an offer pending to accept your terms. Accept, switch back and bingo ... you've just won your war. Easy peasy. Also works for other diplomatic actions as well.
By MTCason
you can change the culture of your character too using the command:
"culture #name of culture#"
ex: culture saxon
culture norman
By Tahtawy
-How to increase critical character traits like 'martial, learning, stewardship, learning' etc.-
1-Go to religious_events.txt
2-Press ctrl+f and search: name = "EVTOPTA39303"
3-Add the following lines under option = {
name = "EVTOPTA39303" #Yes Please':
change_learning = 100
change_martial = 100
change_diplomacy = 100
change_stewardship = 100
change_intrigue = 100
4-Save and enter the game
5-Open console and type event 39303. Your character will get 100 points for each of this traits.
By curtis1
event 1018 - lustful/chaste
event 5002 - scholar
event 5003 - mystic
event 5024 - impaler
event 5025 - gardener
event 5032 - aspiring poet
event 5033 - aspiring duelist
event 5036 - duelist
event 5037 - poet
event 5041 - aspiring falconer
event 5042 - aspiring hunter
event 5045 - hunter
event 5046 - falconer
event 5070 - hedonist (20% fertility)
By halogenz
charinfo (This will now show you the id number and other stats of any character in the game you place your cursor over, making it easy to switch nations to agree to your terms)
play (id#) -will make you play as that person, careful you could lose the game if you jump into some one about to die or get defeated.
Kill (id#) kills that person
neg_diplo -allows you to send requests that the AI would normally say no to so you can switch and say yes.
claim k_france -this will give you a cause of war to take the whole kingdom of France. (this works with all titles d_ (for duchies) k_ for Kingdoms ex. k_england k_scotland
age (Id#) +/- # (ex. age 520120 -10) character Id# 520120 is now 10 years younger. (You can have an immortal king, thou they can still be killed by other means just not natural causes)
By u573278
Will be updating when there is more
[Edited by KimCelestine, 5/2/2012 12:09:19 PM]
[Edited by KimCelestine, 6/12/2012 3:53:40 PM]