Using 32 Bit. CONFIRMED. With the 1.0.05 trainer. Unit size DOES get reset each season so it gets reset back to default before a battle. As it stands unit size does NOT work.
if you AUTO BATTLE, you will find that the unit size DOES work, as your units will 'decrease' if some are killed, but the value 'sticks'.
i cannot modify the hard coded 'unit sizes' in battle that is played out fully in battle mode. having 10000 archers moving in a single formation would be stupid, and further would likely crash your computer. they imposed a limit on this and it's hard coded.
the increased troops is for auto healing your group and/or using in auto battles.
Great to hear an explaination about that. I thought the Add unit wasn't functioning well when everything else works fine. Ill test the Add Unit option and do an autobattle and Ill observe the unit number changes.
Thanks Cal.