Only 952 downloads as of the time of this post to the new trainer version. Wow has this games interest really fizzled out to most people. I will continue to play this game so please do not stop supporting the game with trainer updates.
Bro i have over 180 hours combined in shogun 2 and rise of the samurai, i have played A LOT, and its not that my interest has fizzled out theres just a lot of games out right now so thats what people are playing, but trust me once fall of the samurai is released we will see players flock back, god i CANNOT WAIT FOR FALL OF THE SAMURAI! IM SO EXCITED!
in it's original (vanilla) version, I was unable to complete a game due to it crashing after the realm divide event every time. Subsequent patches made it crash every 60 turns or so, then ever 15-20 turns, and now I cant go 2 turns without a CTD. I expect interest would pick back up if the people making the game would stop making it even more unstable than it already was.
True, if only CA would put more resources & focus to made a much more stable & solid games with less bugs & glitch than making so many DLC & sp edition... I believe more people will play this games
My Shogun 2 always CTD afer 4 - 6 turn EVEN WHEN I PLAYING WITHOUT TRAINER & its also happened in my $1200 laptop + my $3200 gaming rig, so surely its my fate who prevented me to become a Shogun since my hardw specs had totally surpassed all of the games even rec specs utterly yet its still CTD
Since bugfest Empire TW, for me, TW games becaming more less stable more glitchy than ever & its had been proved by lots of patches too that need 15 different ver of trainers... 15 !
[Edited by kaizer88, 2/2/2012 5:28:57 AM]