you can get god mode (or close to it), unlimited mana to spend, and a billion weapon damage with CoSMOS anyways. You can even use CoSMOS to 1 hit every creature on the map in half a second. I understand their frustration with the patching. They should wait to see if it settles down at all before working on more trainers.
This no longer works as they have made it so that the mage right click attack radius is now independent of the knockback skill
Just kidding I found it again.. aparantly it won't increase indefinitely like before.. You actually have to mod it seperately from knockback..
[Edited by nick2412, 11/1/2011 5:47:58 PM]
maybe just put the trainer on hold till they get a patch they stick with for a while. seems like they are patching the game like crazy. kudos for trying to keep up with them though.
Hell it's been on hold what, twice? Maybe 3 times now? The game is gaining large amounts of popularity. They may begin updating it as regularly as say TF2.