the best way I've found for unlimited ammo is to change a different value in the inventory_gen.scr file ...
search this string:
change it to:
any firearm you set to -1 will never use any bullets at all
you can also change the max bullet amount by only changing 4 lines in the default_levels.xml file
prop n="MaxAmmoPistol" v="500"
prop n="MaxAmmoRifle" v="600"
prop n="MaxAmmoShotgun" v="200"
prop n="MaxAmmoSniper" v="150"
There are a LOT of nice things you can change in that file ...
for example:
prop n="HealthRegenerationStartTime" v="0.1"
prop n="HealthRegenerationMaxLevel" v="90.0"
prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInStand" v="200.0"
prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInWalk" v="200.0"
prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInCrounch" v="200.0"
prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInCrounchWalk" v="200.0"
prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInSprint" v="200.0"
prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInKnockDown" v="200.0"
prop n="MaxHealth" v="100"
prop n="BaseMaxHealth" v="100"
prop n="BaseCriticalHealth" v="10"
prop n="BreakDoorEffectivens" v="10"
prop n="FistsDamageMul" v="10"
prop n="MeeleDamageMul" v="10"
prop n="BluntDamageMul" v="10"
prop n="CutDamageMul" v="10"
prop n="RangedDamageMul" v="10"
prop n="BulletDamageMul" v="10"
prop n="MaxStamina" v="100"
prop n="StaminaRegeneration" v="100"
prop n="MoveSprintSpeed" v="1000"
prop n="MoveSprintStaminaConsumption" v="-1"
prop n="JumpStaminaCost" v="-1"
prop n="JumpMaxHeight" v="250"
prop n="FirearmsPistolReloadTimeMul" v="0.1"
prop n="FirearmsRevolverReloadTimeMul" v="0.1"
prop n="FirearmsRifleReloadTimeMul" v="0.1"
prop n="FirearmsShotgunReloadTimeMul" v="0.1"
prop n="FirearmsPistolCritChanceMul" v="1.0"
prop n="FirearmsRevolverCritChanceMul" v="1.0"
prop n="FirearmsRifleCritChanceMul" v="1.0"
prop n="FirearmsShotgunCritChanceMul" v="1.0"
prop n="FirearmsPistolCritDamageMul" v="1.0"
prop n="FirearmsRevolverCritDamageMul" v="1.0"
prop n="FirearmsRifleCritDamageMul" v="1.0"
prop n="FirearmsShotgunCritDamageMul" v="1.0"
prop n="RangeMeleeMul" v="2.0"
and more even ... play around. I don't even use the trainer anymore and I have a lifetime membership here hehe.
I also got the developer menu to work with v1.2
It does involce using a modified dll though
google for dead island devmode 1.2.0
you'll find the site
you can download my mod changes here:
Linkjust extract it to your root folder and play, that's it
the dev menu for 1.02 can be downloaded here:
Linkextract to your root and play, then just pause and you'll see the menu. make a backup of the dll if you plan to play online. this will fail the VAC.
have fun folks
[Edited by CyberBob78, 10/3/2011 11:54:33 PM]