Game is just bad. Way to over complicated and bassicaly no tutorial or training aside from some videos.
Buy it when its like 5 bucks.
I got through a good chunk of the game after viewing about five of the tutorial videos, partially at least. It's about as complicated as "check your inventory, hack important stuff, sneak by/kill enemies, complete objectives." One can make it much more complicated than that if they wish - as is intended, but the gist of it is "play it how you want to."
lol what? This game is complex enough to enjoy, I felt overwhelmed a bit when I started. If you play it like any other shooter and willingly experiment, it will be a fun experience. I still find hacking a pain in the butt, especially when you fail and get hacked yourself lol. Nonetheless, the game is worth at least 10-15 bucks not 20 lol.
Hacking can be a bit of a pain, but I use it as a stat dump until about level five to try and get around it, and get the implant that boosts it. I always start off by using Mask, then Scan. Keeping the target's attack down (and buffing your own defense up a lot if you need to) then dropping their defense as needed seems to work wonders. Also note that you can click the target name a few more times to reroll its stats and lower its starting attack/defense.
Hope that helps make it slightly less painful, developers seem aware that it's a bit of a pain and will probably make it a little easier with the first patch.