Here I was, playing as the Uesugi, an since-the-beginning aliance with Takeda and it was all good. Then I take a province and decide to make it a vassal and the shogun pounds me in the head.
My empire will soon be destroyed by Takeda (which broke the alliance, one of Shingen's daughters is married to Kenshin... ) but does anyone have any tips for a new faction I decide to play as?
Tell me about it i just took the Shogun and divided the nation now i have 2 fight 3 clans 2 of them have 17 provances and one has five yet there all power full they made alliances with each other and now i am out numberd big time any advise????
Check all your provinces for taxes, if they aren't being taxed rectify that.
If some provinces are being taxed and their public order is good, disband garrisons you don't need.
If you have a single strong ally, each turn send 1000 koku their way to keep the relationship going.