warez rambling? You wayyyy off, you dont even not know how much you are mistaken.
Or shudl I be good hypocrite and write something like: "O this is perfect game ... best game ever madded"
look man you dont getting it, right some of us do not buy or even DONT STEAL this new games, just because of PRINCIPLES.
Trust me i have pretty decent rig, and I was more then three times owner of JRC gold club card.
I spend on games only about 5000 USD, not even talking about whole cost of all my computers.
I em lifer on more MMO then you probably even know ( no ofense ment )
And I just ..... JUST telling you ( without any evil intentions or anger)
ENJOY GAMES TILL YOU CAN one day you realise like me one thing
Why even bother, why even bother.
I was not making any PIRACY REFERENCES. so chill off,
your actions are admirable but you have wrong person
Like Neo said there is better ways of explaining.
Warez ramblings is talking about piracy but not directly, but coming close or giving others the opportunity to use it as a platform for their elite ramblings.
Hence why I didn't delete your post.
To your points directed to me, I do know... very very well.
As for MMO's I've been a regular on EVE, WoW, Runescape, Guild Wars (3 campaigns and expansion), and a few freebies and premiums. Doesn't really mean anything just I spent a lot of time and money on them I guess :P
And for rigs/hardware builds, I think mine could give you a run for its money, again doesn't mean anything.
I have purchased a lot of games also.
"ENJOY GAMES TILL YOU CAN" - I have been saying similar that the PC market will eventually die off, so I understand what you are trying to get at.
I think you misunderstand what I was trying to point out and got the wrong end of the stick and it ended up as a "look at my platinum trophies" type thing.
Just don't take everything literally if you do wrong you will know and your post will probably get edited or deleted, if you haven't then it will be ok
EDIT: Major fail calling Neo - Joe lol
[Edited by moderator DABhand, 6/22/2011 2:27:44 PM]
i can't buy this game...
because not released in iran.
finaly i found & buy F.3.A.R.
Nice game.
But i have a question:
Can i select 2nd man that One bullet is in his forehead ?(i think his name is "Point Man"
[Edited by 64, 6/27/2011 7:46:23 PM]