woo, i foudn a way to edit my seals, its very tricky, and to be safe i only edited them to 250 jsut withign the 255 limit. The seals values are splti into 3, your total, thsoe youve acquired thru combat or expressions, and those rewarded via quests.
You need to search for the total value and the value given by quests, sicne the quest given ones, dotn affect your seal xp bar. To help idenitfy these results, i used a program called 'OffzipPackzip UI' it allows you to extract the hero1save#_herosave.bin dat file, you can then use a hexeditor such as Hexworkshop to search for your current seal values, search under text string
NumGuildSealsRenown..... (seals gotten thru combat/expressions)
NumGuildSealsPure..... (seals gotten from quests)
You have to include the 5 dots at the end, the 4 numbers following are the values, at the time i did mine, i had 119 seals, 69 renown, and 50 pure.
I loaded up that save, and went into the road to rule, and using artmoney (CoSMOS should work too) searched for 119 as a 4byte integer, and then 50. The game uses up the renown seals first, so once id spent over 69, my pure seals value started to go down, so i could fiter the results.
If you have a bunch of quests to do, you could filter them after completeign each quest.
When my renown seals was at 0, and my total and pure were the same value, i could then edit all the values (there is 1 for pure, and 3-4 for total) to be the same number. I changed them to 250, and bought all the chests on the road that were there, then changed the value again to 250 and left. Once i found some mobs to kill, i was still able to earn more seals on top of what id already got.
This may seem a little daunting to some people who havnt used these tools before, but once you get the hang of it, you can quickly edit your seals, whenever needed.