hmm well I will test if the cheat works in the morning, I am have not tried it with the latest patch
but if it still works it should be the same, just find a tax, Pet tax, gun tax both of these worked in the past.
click on the tax so you can set how much you wish the tax, get CoSMOS working
set the Search to float as thats were the code is located.
go back to the game, change the percentage of tax by 1 but don't accept. Go back to CoSMOS, look for 1.
go back to game change it to 2, then back to CoSMOS, search for 2. Keep doing this, but word of warning, IF say with gun tax, (not every country is like this) and you can't set the tax higher then say 10%, then that means you can't set the search higher then 10, so in this case keep searching for 1, 2-9 but don't go over 10 if you do you will need to start over.
Once you find it, set the tax on CoSMOS tax to say 999999
go back to game, just click on the + and it should then change to how much you set on the CoSMOS (hopefully)
I will test it my self in the morning to make sure it works, if it does I will let ya know.
I'm really not good at explaining these things. I have very bad dyslexia that affects my gram ma and spelling. xD