all you need is to do the testingcheatsenabled=1 edit in the console.ini file and when you shift+click the hero you can choose what level you want it to be.
I call bull on that, because I actually tried that before posting. You can edit an active character's traits or relationship with self, but editing levels is pretty much impossible.
Edit: Turns out to work, but only post-patch. Sorry about going off like that.
[Edited by HaikenEdge, 3/28/2011 12:58:20 PM]
its very imp to apply 1.1 patch if u plan to use console as a lot of new things r introduced in 1.1 patch for cheating as well
still waiting for some cheat for spawning stuff
id really like to spawn those high end weapons and armor
[Edited by jivi, 3/28/2011 1:04:52 PM]
The "buydebug" command unlocks all buyable equipment. You might find what you need to use the debug enabler to unlock the buydebug command though. Goodluck!