i found a nifty trick, if your failing the races, and you love cheating... f**k the horse. I completed the quest WITHOUT the horse, simply use the jump2 console command to teleport to where your facing to quickly traverse the course. The checkpoints are cleared even without being on a horse when you go thru them. then just teleport back to the start and hand in, i completed it with 2 mins to spare this way
[Edited by rcboothman, 11/19/2010 2:58:17 AM]
to make it easier to teleport back to start, try dropping a portable teleport platform near staring npc. The quest will still show the checkpoints on map after finishign the race, becuase your expected to go thru the checkpoints on the way back too but you can go back in you own time and go thru them to clear the quest in your log.
[Edited by rcboothman, 11/19/2010 3:01:07 AM]
Many Thanks!!!
I will certainly try this out.