Regarding the Trainer (DX10 Retail), Add Time to Timer, Unlimited Throwi....
To start with, I apologize for any and all spelling and gramatical errors.
Well, I use the DX10 Retail verson, and it worked awesome until I got to memory block 4, and I picked damascus to go to, and as I go to enter the new area, my entire laptop locks up, and after several tries, I finally tried without the trainer, and it worked, but now when I run the trainer, when I activate it at the main menu, it glitches that stupid voice and sits there repeating "tivated" and literaly talks over itself like an echo and gets SOOOO annoying, and when i let it do that, and get into the game, the trainer does not work...
So what happened? the game hasn't updated, and I didn't change anything, so what happened?