You guys do realize that every FPS game coming out today is more focused on the multi-player than single-player. Like Black Ops will be any better. Stop whining and let the people play what they like.
say that to Duke Nukem Forever, Crysis 2, Bulletstorm, Postal 3, FEAR 3
Duke Nukem Forever: Like it will actually release!
Crysis 2: Crysis Warhead was a short game, so I can say that this one won't be any longer.
Postal 3: The original Postal and Apocalypse Weekend were extremely sort (Both took me 6 hours in total!). So I guess this one will be no exception as well...
FEAR 3: I can say that this may releave us of FPS DEMOS (That's what I call FPS games nowadays!) and finally deliver us with a decent lenght - However I bet it won't be more than 8-10 hours.
There was the time when games were not indirect MMO's...Take a look at Doom 3, System Shock 2, Red Faction 2, etc.
[Edited by HonestGamer, 10/16/2010 6:34:33 AM]
Duke Nukem Forever: catch up with the times, Gearbox took it over and it's releasing in early 2011:
Crysis 2: warhead was an expansion, hence why it was a short game, Crysis 2 is a full game and if you read interviews Crytek has already said that crysis 2 will be longer than the original crysis, which was a pretty long game.
don't bash stuff you don't know about.
Excuse me? I was being sarcastic over Duke Nukem. And the original Crysis was not so long either - Only 10 hours.
Mindless loitering doesn't add to the game's length FYI.
im not buying MOH :/ gonna wait in Battlefield 3.. wich is completly made from DICE not some fancy EA LA crap
I'm with you there.