are any of the achievements on some sort of ladder or list somewhere where the user is listed as ranked based on achievements? if not, then who cares if they cheated for the achievements.. if they didn't earn the achievement then they only 'cheated' themselves.. who would know?
lowhut misread.
Yes. You cheevo score is on your profile for the world to see. I don't think there's a cheevo ladder, however.
[Edited by AdmiralThrawn, 9/28/2010 4:23:42 PM]
All this post was meant to provide, was their stance on 'offline' use of third-party programs to manipulate the game 'illegally'. They will flag you for using it offline. I further replied to them asking if this was true for campaign use, and they said it applies the moment you log-in to play Starcraft II, this means usage during the campaign too, since you have to log-in to play the campaign.
Yes. and this stance has been revealed several times.
Thats all that i was saying. It was brought up in this post here several times in its 45 pages.
It was also brought up here in its 29 pages.
The only Thing that you have said was that You talked to them.
Your not the first.
Where In the ULA it also states No third party programs. Or anything that Modify the game client.
Im just saying if u go thow the sc2 bored you will find other post to Post this in.
I went to go get the Links to them but then i found out they were all locked. So my bads. but now u can kinda tell where im coming from