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Target Marks
Extras / Cheats

WALKTHROUGH - Mission 01 - A World of Ice

Mission Objective:

"Make your way past the scattered ruins and into the Akrid hive. Once inside, navigate around any obstacles that present themselves then clear the hive out."



Rick will call your attention to the VS on the right side. Blast the tanks on the left to gain some extra T-ENG then jump into the VS. Unfortunately, this Vital Suit is a GTT-01 standard VS with no special functions. At least it has one machine gun on its right side and it sure beats walking through the snow. Several cars and tanks will be lying along the sides with extra T-ENG inside once destroyed. A MACHINE GUN will be lying in the snow along the way but you'll find plenty of those in just a minute. You'll have to exit from the VS to collect any normal firearms. Press the B button while standing over an item to pick it up. Walk over to the right and enter the tunnel.

Blast the hives on the left wall up ahead as the Spider Akrid burst through them. The Akrid will continually respawn out of the hives so focus all firepower on the source of their spawning and destroy the hives quickly. There is another MACHINE GUN on the right side of the tunnel. Walk toward the building up ahead and a Chryatis Akrid will surface from the ground. Back up while in the VS and focus your gatling gun on the glowing portions of its two front legs (close to the body). After enough shots, the Chryatis' legs will fall off and it will eventually freeze once it receives enough damage. Blast the glowing bottom half of the Chryatis if it tries to take a swing at you since it will be in full view while it recovers. Grab the SHOTGUN up ahead then enter the building through the small opening in the middle. You'll have to ditch the VS to enter (Press B to exit). You can take the gatling gun off the side of the VS by approaching the right side and grabbing it with the B button but it probably doesn't have much ammo left.


A few Spider Akrid are lurking in the parking garage inside of the building. Plenty of hives are around as well. Use your flashlight (D-pad right or left) to light up the dark areas. Find a barrel near a column and fire at it to start things out with a bang. Fire at the Spiders if they start to move toward you. Don't conserve grenades at this point - use them constantly. Find the hives in the back of the room and focus all of your firepower on them. Be sure to look for the hive on the ceiling in the back center portion of the garage. Make use of the barrels found around the room to help destroy the hives or fight off any Spiders that may be headed your way. Make sure to activate the DATA POST (1/4) in the middle of the room. Tap the Back button to pull up the map of the current area if needed. About pickups, starting from the right and going toward the back wall, there is a pickup of HAND GRENADES, a SHOTGUN, and a MACHINE GUN. On the left side there are two MACHINE GUNS, and a pickup of HAND GRENADES.


Walk outside through the next doorway up ahead. As the message from Rick will hint at, there is a weapon under the snow in between the metal fence up ahead. Tap the B button over the mound of snow to dig the ROCKET LAUNCHER up from the ground. Walk toward the next building (the warehouse) past the fence on the left. Don't destroy the barrels just yet. Walk inside to find several Spider Akrid lurking about. Blast any of them that get in your way and shoot the hive to the left then run toward the middle of the warehouse. A Chryatis Akrid will fly up from the ground. Run all the way back to the entrance and try to shoot at the glowing sections of the top of the Chryatis' legs and lure it toward the barrels near the entrance. When it gets close enough to the barrels, move away and blast the barrels to severely damage it. The Chryatis will sometimes will damage himself by hitting the barrels. You


can also stay in the warehouse and fight him. There are many other barrels lying around the warehouse. A cheap tactic that works well is to run through the doorway on the back left side of the warehouse and blast him from there. He can't get inside. Take a moment to catch your breath then retrieve the MACHINE GUN and SHOTGUN pickup from the warehouse. There is also a pickup of HAND GRENADES and another ROCKET LAUNCHER through the open set of doors near the back of the warehouse on the left side - the same room where you can hide from the Chryatis. Blast the barrels to the right of the two large iron doors to exit the warehouse or just shoot the doors.


Two Dongo Akrid will spring up from the ground as you walk toward the center of the area ahead. Wait for them to roll toward you then dodge out of the way. Turn around and shoot their glowing tails while they recover from their roll to put a quick end to them. Spam them with machine gun fire at their weak area and they will fall fast. Sometimes they can be taken down with a single grenade if you throw it directly underneath them as they walk toward you. Also, you can throw a grenade as they roll or shoot them with a rocket launcher or shotgun blast to cause them to tumble over on their backs. A shotgun blast also works very well to stun them and get to the their heat source behind them. Another Dongo will hop out of the snow from the back left. Collect the T-ENG pickup from the surrounding debris, followed by the pickup of HAND GRENADES and the SHOTGUN then walk over to the hill with the Data Post on top. Use X to grapple the side of the hill and pull yourself up. Activate the DATA POST (2/4) by tapping the B button then continue up the hill ahead. You may need to jump up the sloped part or just hike up the left side.


Yuri will mention the boulders up ahead. Firing at them will shatter the boulders and send a group of smaller boulders down the hill. These can be used to damage the enemies. Stay to the left side while moving up the mountain. A Dongo Akrid will appear, but if you stay on the left side he will roll off the cliff - a fitting end. Grab the SHOTGUN in the area where the Dongo was and the MACHINE GUN further up the hill. An avalanche will send a few rocks down the hill once you get near the center. Work your way to the side to avoid getting crushed. Run toward the Dongo Akrid that springs up from the ground in the distance and jump out of the way as he rolls down the hill. Shoot him when he tries to recover or send some boulders down on him if he is near a boulder. At the top of hill, several Trilid Akrid will fly out of the cave at the top of hill in packs. Try to shoot them with the shotgun while they are grouped together and either flying out or into the cave. A well-placed shotgun blast will kill a bunch of them with one shot. Grab the ROCKET LAUNCHER if you want then enter the cave. Blast any leftover Trilids while running further into the cave since they will try to lunge at you.


Don't run directly into the center of the cave room up ahead. There are several Trilid Akrid hovering around the top and bottom portion of the cave. Walk toward the big open area and blast the Trilids as they dart toward you from the air. Focus on the Trilids that are moving directly toward your current location. Try to thin them out a bit then rush for the GATLING GUN on the right side of the path and blast the hives and the remaining Trilids. Do not rush through this part or the Trilids will damage you badly! You must stand still while using the Gatling Gun and it has a slow reload animation so keep that in mind while shooting. There is an ENERGY GUN and a pickup of HAND GRENADES right in front of the narrow ledge. Keep in mind that the Energy Gun will use up your valuable thermal energy for its ammo.


Thin out the remaining Trilid Akrid until they attack very sparingly then activate the DATA POST (3/4) before walking across the narrow ledge. Grab the SHOTGUN in the middle of the ledge then blast the eggs at the end for some heat pickups. Drop off the right end of the narrow ledge when you reach the cave wall at the end. You'll likely need the MACHINE GUN pickup on the way toward the Akrid on the ledge ahead. Blast the glowing hives ahead and toss grenades at them to quickly destroy them. Several Trilids will ambush you from the left side of the ledge. Look off the left side of the ledge and blast the glowing hive hidden on the side to stop a few more Spiders from spawning. A MACHINE GUN pickup is on the other side of the ledge along with the final DATA POST (4/4). Walk across the webbing forming a bridge to the central nest and enter the nest.


Boss - Giant Armored Dongo


Immediately get into the VS to the left while entering the hive. A big Armored Dongo Akrid will spin around the walls and drop to the floor below. He will try to take a few stabs at your VS with his claws, but stay away from him and pick up the VS rocket launcher on the right side of the room. Maneuver around him with Y dashes or normal steps and blast his glowing tail with the machine gun to damage him. You can also blast his tail with the rocket launcher for some intense damage, but you need to reload that rocket launcher fast since that is the main key to stopping his roll attacks and a way to get free hits on him. Wait for him to spin toward the VS then immediately shoot him. This will cause him to tumble over and expose his heat source. Blast the heat source on his rear end with machine gun fire then reload the rocket launcher. He will get up again and try to hit you with his claws. Maneuver around him some more and blast his heat source. Shoot him with a rocket every time he tries to spin and spam his rear end with machine gun fire to eat away at his life gauge.

If he destroys the VS suit badly be sure to exit from the suit by tapping the B button when the evacuate icon pops up to avoid the explosion. There is another VS suit, but without a VS rocket launcher you'll have to perform some quick maneuvering to hit him in his heat source. Take him out on foot by throwing grenades at him to make him tump over just like with the rockets. Try to throw a grenade when you think he is about to spin and this will save you from his instant dashing spins. If he is allowed to spin in place and escape, he will start to spin all around the walls and ceiling of the room and make rocks fall throughout the area. You can stop him at any time by hitting him with a powerful explosion from a rocket launcher or grenade. Hitting him in the heat source at point blank range will often result in a big T-ENG boost. A shotgun works very well on foot when up close to his heat source. This boss can be fought just as well on foot if you have some grenades.

When fought on hard mode, this fight will change a bit. You will have to deal with two normal Dongos while fighting the boss. Defeat the normal Dongos first with constant firepower directed at their heat source then deal with the boss. On hard mode, you may be forced to fight the boss without a Vital Suit since the rate at which the thermal energy gauge counts down may take its toll on you if the battle is carried on too long.

Boss - Giant Armored Dongo (EXTREME MODE)

There are no Vital Suits this time so you will have to battle him on foot. Be sure to bring as much shotgun ammunition as you can hold and all the grenades you can hold since you will need them. The giant Dongo now has four smaller Dongos with him and all them are just as aggressive as the giant Dongo. The smaller Dongos will roll to sides of the room in pairs of two. Start the battle by running toward either side and throwing a grenade at one pair of smaller Dongos. This might kill one of them or it might simply knock one of them over or it might just stun them. It is good to throw grenades at them this whole battle when you see one of them about to roll toward you. Keep your shotgun out and keep shooting at them in their heat source or anywhere on their body, just so that you keep constant pressure on one of them. The objective is to get rid of all four smaller Dongos by staying as aggressive as possible while you avoid all of their attacks through rolling. Speaking of rolling, you will have to roll quite a bunch during this battle. Try to keep all enemies on the screen so you can easily roll out of the way of an oncoming attack.

The bigger Dongo will roll into the area from the right wall. He will roll directly toward you then stop and try to attack with both claws. Always be ready for this and roll to the side to avoid it. Be sure to keep a sharp eye out for his claw shooting attack where he will fire both claws at you from a distance; this move is very quick and will catch you off guard easily. Whenever he rolls, you need to throw a grenade directly near him so that the explosion hits him and causes him to roll over on his back. Always listen for him to breathe deeply and that will be the cue that he is about to roll. You'll need to dodge his body when the blast hits him if he is facing you. Wait for the explosion from the grenade to hit him then pay quick attention to the way he is moving toward you and roll to the side that is open. Move to his tail end and blast his heat source with a shotgun. Blast it enough and he will fall over and release T-ENG, which will be just enough to keep you going. You must damage him heavily like this often to keep your thermal energy up to survive this battle. It is possible to run around him and shoot him in his heat source, but try to keep some distance between the both of you when he starts to roll.

The main focus is to defeat all four Dongos then severely damage the Giant Dongo by shooting him in his heat source with the shotgun so that he releases thermal energy. Once the battle is down to only the big Dongo it isn't that bad, but the beginning can be quite chaotic. This battle takes practice with both fighting him and learning when to roll. It is one of the three hardest battles for extreme mode.


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