Bullet Time
From the disc's [Main Menu] go to the [Special Features] and there select [The Dream World]. Apart from the text menu entries you will also see a red pill. Select it and you will be taken to the "What Is Bullet Time?" documentary.
Hidden Concept
In the [Special Features] section, go to [Cast & Crew Bios] and there select the Warchowsky Brothers. This will bring up another red pill. Select it and you will be taken to a 12-minute documentary called "What Is Concept?".
Follow the White Rabbit
Go to the [Special Features] area of the DVD and go to the [Making the Matrix] option and hit [Enter]. When the new screen pops up, select the option [The Dreamworld] and hit [Enter]. When this screen pops up hit [Continue] and select the option [Follow the White Rabbit]. Now, when watching the film, nine white rabbits will appear in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. When one appears, hit [Enter] and a behind the scenes featurette of that speciic sequence will play. When it's over you will return to your place in the film.
White Rabbit Chapter Sequence:
[Chapter 1] - Trinity In A Jam
[Chapter 10] - Slimy Re-birth
[Chapter 15] - Morpheus/Neo Matchup
[Chapter 23] - Glitch in the Matrix
[Chapter 24] - One Left Behind
[Chapter 29] - Lobby Shooting Sequence
[Chapter 30] - Dodge This
[Chapter 32] - Rooftop Rescue
[Chapter 33] - Subway Showdown